Deep relaxation for body and mind in the Samadhi bath
Enjoy an incomparable atmosphere..
and relax in a soothing floating pool. A floating pool is filled with a salt water bath heated to body temperature, which allows the visitor a unique experience of weightlessness in complete seclusion, peace and intimacy due to the high salt content. The Dead Sea water also promises special healing powers...
The outside of the Samadhi bath resembles a tank or a shell. Inside is a solution of 350 kg of Epsom salt dissolved in around 320 liters of body-warm water. The tank has a permanent fresh air supply. Thanks to the special salt/water mixture, you are carried away by the brine bath and experience a unique feeling of floating. This floating feeling is also called floating. It reduces stress, relieves pain (especially in the back and shoulders) and induces a deep physical and mental well-being. You will be surprised at how velvety the water feels and how soft your skin feels after the bath. Bath cures in magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt, Epson salt) are also used medicinally to relieve pain. Also as a therapy for all symptoms caused by excessive stress, as well as for rheumatism, sciatica, muscle tension and skin disorders. If you wish, you can add calming music to this feeling of well-being and intensify the relaxing effects. Samadhi is a term from Indian meditation teaching and stands for the state of deep physical rest and relaxation, coupled with great mental clarity.
Nach einer Dusche im Samadhi Raum von feeling7 werden Sie bereits merken, wie sich die erste Entspannung in Ihnen breit macht. Licht, Wärme und leichte Hintergrundmusik werden Sie in Stimmung bringen und Ihnen helfen, vom Alltag abzuschalten. Dann lassen Sie sich langsam in das körperwarme Salzwasser gleiten, die Ohren sind unter Wasser. Sanfte Musik begleitet Sie, während Sie sich immer mehr entspannen und die Raum-, Zeit- und Schwerelosigkeit geniessen. Sie atmen frische, klare Luft und lassen den Alltag los, bis Sie sanft geweckt werden. Nach der, in der Regel 45 minütigen, Session steigen Sie wieder unter die Dusche und tauchen langsam wieder in der realen Welt ein. Die erlebten Eindrücke werden Sie jedoc…
In addition to the pleasant relaxation in body-warm water and the feeling of floating, you will achieve deeper and deeper effects with each additional Samadhi session. After a few times you can reach very intense states of meditation and sharpen your senses. Your very own instincts and perceptions will be sensitized and you will find that you can experience and learn a lot about yourself. In addition, they balance your body's acid-base balance. This is often thrown off balance by diet, the environment and stress and tends to become acidic. Enjoy this extraordinary experience, there are not many ways to escape our overstimulated world so pleasantly.
Short history of the floating tank
The floating tank was developed in California in the mid-1950s by Dr. Invented by John Lilly. He thus created a new dimension to feel the feeling of weightlessness. The tanks were used for research and therapy purposes, or simply for comfort and meditation. They are experiencing a small revival in the 21st century.
Hygiene in the Feeling 7 Samadhi bathroom
Of course, we also place the highest demands on hygiene in the Samadhi bath. The water is pumped through a cleaning system after each floating session. It is cleaned with appropriate additives (no chlorine) and special carbon filters. The Epsom salt also kills bacteria. In addition, the shower is also regularly cleaned and disinfected.
Feeling of floating in the Samadhi bath
45 minutes for 88.–
Feeling of floating in the Samadhi bath
60 minutes for 99.–
free advice in English and German:
P. +41 61 261 32 14 H. +41 79 235 07 30